Although the title says not to forget these codes, many groups have transitioned to CCM, PCM or APCM.
- There are two sets of codes for care plan oversight, CPT® (99374–99380) and HCPCS codes (G0181, G0182)
- The requirements for each are different, including time thresholds and what activities may be included in the CPO time.
- CPT® deleted codes 99339, 99340 CPO for a patient in home or domiciliary care in the 2023 book. The instruction is to see chronic care management or principal care management. Of course, the requirements for those patients and codes must be met.
When CPT® developed and CMS recognized chronic care management (CCM) codes, many primary care groups looked at the requirements and took a pass. Even after CMS relaxed the requirements, it seemed too complicated and difficult for the reimbursement level.
You can read about CCM on CodingIntel or download the Care Management coding guide, if you want to reconsider providing and billing for CCM. And, CMS has a billing guide, of course.
But, this article is going to look at Care Plan Oversight (CPO) codes not CCM.
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