This article describes the use of time using the 1995/1997 guidelines. Be sure to read about the 2021 guidelines for codes 99202--99215. A … [Read more...]
Nicoletti Notes
This way for news!
Written for coders and medical professionals, Nicoletti Notes is a coding blog designed to keep you up-to-date with coding news and refreshers. Written by CodingIntel founder and coding expert Betsy Nicoletti.
HCC Diagnosis Coding: Can you Add a Code from the Past Medical History?
This post describes rules for office/outpatient coding, not facility/DRG rules. Recently a fellow coder wrote to me about risk adjusted diagnosis … [Read more...]
Avoid These 4 Costly Errors When Coding Minor Surgical Procedures
Does your practice perform any minor or major procedures? If so, this post is for you! Primary care practices and urgent care centers should pay … [Read more...]
7 Sure Fire Ways to Owe the Government $4 million in Fines and Repayments | Coding Compliance
Most practices aren’t looking to pay the government any money in fines and repayment because of coding errors. Two recent OIG settlements described … [Read more...]
Reporting a Problem-Oriented Visit on the Same Day as Welcome to Medicare (G0402) or Initial and Subsequent Wellness Visit (G0438, G0439)
I continue to hear that some consultants and coders don't agree with reporting a problem oriented visit with welcome to Medicare or wellness visit … [Read more...]
Pessary Billing and Coding
Coding for Pessary Services Primary care practices, gynecology and urology practices often prescribe and provide pessaries. A pessary is used to … [Read more...]
Billing for Multiple Surgical Procedures
When billing for multiple procedures on the same day, use this step by step procedure to determine if you should bill for more than one procedure, and … [Read more...]
Modifier 95, 93: Telemedicine
CPT® has two modifiers for telemedicine. CMS and private payers regularly change their instructions about using these modifiers and what place of … [Read more...]
This Practice Paid Medicare $4.48 Million
Do you sign up for email lists and then wonder why you did it? We all do, don’t we? But, one email I always read is from the Department of Justice … [Read more...]
Performing Services that Increase Primary Care Revenue
CMS states it wants to increase pay to primary care physicians. And while we might quarrel with their strategies or with the speed of achieving the … [Read more...]
Overview of Advance Care Planning
Advance Care Planning CPT® Codes Overview Medical practices perform countless tasks every day for which there is no payment. CMS continually states … [Read more...]
Pecked By a Parrot. Oh No, Not Again!
When we first implemented ICD-10, we all had a lot of fun with the ICD-10-CM external cause codes. But, do we need to use them? The answer to that … [Read more...]
Prescription Drug Management and Medical Decision Making (MDM)
Whether selecting a level of service for an E/M encounter, the question arises about what counts as prescription drug management. In both sets of … [Read more...]
Coding for Screening Colonoscopy
An Overview of Colonoscopy Coding Guidelines The ACA, which was passed in 2010, did a great many things, but this is what is relevant for … [Read more...]
No Chart Left Behind: Deadline to Complete Medical Records
Years ago, I worked with a physician who was chronically behind in dictating his notes. The charts were crammed into boxes by date, lining the walls … [Read more...]