There are three codes for removal of sutures or staples. How to bill for suture removal is a question that comes up frequently. And the answer to the … [Read more...]
How many times have you or your physician asked, "Can I get paid to...." At CodingIntel, we've collected frequently asked questions, and answered them in short, concise videos. What are the answers: Yes, no, maybe, and sometimes.
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Can I Get Paid for…an Office Visit the Same Day as a Minor Procedure
Can you bill an E/M service on the same day as a minor procedure? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. The decision to perform a minor procedure is included … [Read more...]
Can I Get Paid for…My Nurse Doing Ear Lavage
The nurse flushed the patient's ear so I could examine the TM. Free or Fee? Find out more about billing for ear lavage done by nursing staff in this … [Read more...]
Can I Get Paid for…Emergency Services in the Office
The patient called for an urgent visit that disrupted your regularly scheduled office hours. Can you get paid at a higher level for providing … [Read more...]
Can I Get Paid for…Signing the Home Health Certification Form
An Overview of Home Health Certification CPT® CMS pays a small fee for the planning, certification, supervision and re-certification of home health … [Read more...]
Can I Get Paid for…Nurse Visits
Nurse visits - when can you bill for them, and when are the services of the nurse just part of the cost of doing business? Back to … [Read more...]
Can I Get Paid for…Travel Counseling
So your patient is going to the Galapagos, and wants your advice. Can you get paid for travel counseling? This short video has the answer. Back … [Read more...]
Can I Get Paid for…a Problem Oriented Visit and Wellness Visit on the Same Day
Patients who come into the office for a physical or wellness visit often have a problem they want to discuss, or chronic conditions that need to be … [Read more...]
Can I Get Paid for…Evaluation Prior to Surgery
The surgeon evaluates a patient, and determines that surgery is needed. Can the surgeon get paid for this initial service? Watch this short video … [Read more...]
Can I Get Paid to…Discuss End of Life Planning with a Patient’s Child
In 2016, CMS began paying for physicians, NPs and PAs to have a discussion about end of life planning with patients. Find out more in this short … [Read more...]