There are three codes for removal of sutures or staples. How to bill for suture removal is a question that comes up frequently. And the answer to the question requires differentiating between whether the practitioner performed the procedure such as a laceration repair that requires the removal of sutures or staples. Back to list
How many times have you or your physician asked, "Can I get paid to...." At CodingIntel, we've collected frequently asked questions, and answered them in short, concise videos. What are the answers: Yes, no, maybe, and sometimes.
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Can I Get Paid for…an Office Visit the Same Day as a Minor Procedure
Can you bill an E/M service on the same day as a minor procedure? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. The decision to perform a minor procedure is included in the payment for the procedure, unless a significant and separate E/M is needed, performed and documented. Watch this short video to learn more.
Can I Get Paid for…My Nurse Doing Ear Lavage
The nurse flushed the patient’s ear so I could examine the TM. Free or Fee? Find out more about billing for ear lavage done by nursing staff in this brief video. Back to list Relevant Search Terms: 69209, 69210, cerumen, removal, irrigation,
Can I Get Paid for…Emergency Services in the Office
The patient called for an urgent visit that disrupted your regularly scheduled office hours. Can you get paid at a higher level for providing emergency services in the office? Back to list Relevant Search Terms: 99050, 99058, 99059, add on, codes
Can I Get Paid for…Signing the Home Health Certification Form
An Overview of Home Health Certification CPT® CMS pays a small fee for the planning, certification, supervision and re-certification of home health services. Don’t do the work and forget to get paid. Find out more about getting paid to sign the home health certification form in this brief video from CodingIntel dedicated to home health […]
Can I Get Paid for…Nurse Visits
Nurse visits – when can you bill for them, and when are the services of the nurse just part of the cost of doing business? Back to list Relevant Search Terms: 99211, incident to, nurse visits
Can I Get Paid for…Travel Counseling
So your patient is going to the Galapagos, and wants your advice. Can you get paid for travel counseling? This short video has the answer. Back to list Relevant Search Terms: 99401,99404, immunizations, preventive medicine
Can I Get Paid for…a Problem Oriented Visit and Wellness Visit on the Same Day
Patients who come into the office for a physical or wellness visit often have a problem they want to discuss, or chronic conditions that need to be assessed and managed. When do these problem oriented discussions rise to the level of an additional problem oriented office visit? This brief video will guide you about when […]
Can I Get Paid for…Evaluation Prior to Surgery
The surgeon evaluates a patient, and determines that surgery is needed. Can the surgeon get paid for this initial service? Watch this short video about billing for evaluation prior to surgery. See also modifier 57. Back to list Relevant Search Terms: modifier 57, global surgical package, global surgery
Can I Get Paid to…Discuss End of Life Planning with a Patient’s Child
In 2016, CMS began paying for physicians, NPs and PAs to have a discussion about end of life planning with patients. Find out more in this short video. Relevant Search Terms: 99497, 99498, advance care planning, advance directive, end of life planning