This quick reference guide breaks down who must document what for which services as outlined in Medicare’s teaching physician rules.
Quick reference sheets
Smooth sailing with these handy desk references
Care Plan Oversight | Coding reference sheet
There are two sets of codes for care plan oversight, CPT® (99374–99380) and HCPCS codes (G0181, G0182). The requirements for each are different, including time thresholds and what activities may be included in the CPO time. RVUs are assigned by Medicare for these CPT® codes. Some have a bundled indicator and some invalid, which means […]
Commonly Performed Procedures in Primary Care
These reference sheets for minor procedures include common CPT® codes, descriptions, current work and non-facility RVUs, and global days for quick reference. The first chart includes codes 10060-11443, the second 11600-17111, and the third 20550-54056.
Using Modifier 59 | Quick Reference
Modifier 59 is referred to by CMS as the modifier of last resort. It is often used when modifier 51 is the more accurate modifier. This quick reference sheet explains when, why and how to use it.
Using Modifier 33 | Quick Reference
Modifier 33 is used to identify certain screening and preventive services. This quick reference sheet addresses: when to use modifier 33, why to use it, screening colorectal cancer test, and planned screening colorectal test that converts to a diagnostic or therapeutic service.
Modifier 25
Use of Modifier 25 may be applicable when an E/M service is provided on the same day as a procedure, a preventive medicine service, or other medical service or procedure. Use this quick reference sheet to determine when to use modifier 25, and which code to append it to.
Remote Monitoring 99453, 99454 | Reference Sheet
CPT codes 99453 99454 are used to report remote monitoring device set up, supply and recording. This resource answers the questions: who does the work, what is being monitored, how is it done, and what does the practice do.
Remote Monitoring Management 99091, 99457 | Reference Sheet
This quick reference sheet includes descriptions and examples for CPT ® codes 99091 and 99457-99458 for reporting Remote physiologic monitoring treatment management services.
Chronic Care Management | Reference Sheet
This quick reference sheet includes clinical staff time, care planning and billing practitioner work criteria for chronic care management services. When coding for care management services services, practitioners need to distinguish between chronic care management and complex chronic care management, between who does the work, the practitioner or clinical staff, and the amount of time […]
Billing for Joint Injections | Reference Sheet
When doing a joint injection, sometimes a separate E/M service is billed on the same day, and sometimes, it’s not. This grid will help you determine when to bill for both services, and when to bill only for the joint injection.
Lesion Destruction Tip Sheet
CPT® does not make it easy to locate codes for destruction of lesion(s). These codes are found in multiple chapters throughout the CPT® book, and are classified by a variety of factors (size, method of destruction, type (pre-malignant/malignant/benign), etc.) Accurate coding is essential to accurate payment. This tip sheet was created to help you quickly locate the correct CPT® code for lesion destruction.
Billing Preventive Medicine Services and Problem Visit | Quick Reference Sheet
This quick reference sheet provides guidance for billing preventive medicine services and split visits.
Blood Pressure Self-Measurement 99473, 99474 | Reference Sheet
CPT ® codes 99473 and 99474 are used to report specific clinical staff and/or Physician, NP or PA work related to blood pressure self-measurement by patients. This quick reference sheet defines the work, the time required, and lists the criteria for reporting these services.
Medication Management and Psychotherapy Reference Sheet
This quick reference sheet illustrates the coding and documentation requirements for medication management services with, or without psychotherapy.
Checklist for CPT® code 99483 | cognitive assessment code for dementia
Is your practice performing cognitive assessments for patients with dementia, using CPT® code 99483? If so, use this checklist to make sure you have documented all of the required components.
Coding for Diabetes in the HCC System | Reference Sheet
This quick reference sheet simplifies coding for diabetes in the HCC system. A must-have resource for clinicians who see patients with diabetes.
Coding for Hypertension in the HCC System | Reference Sheet
This quick reference sheet simplifies coding for hypertension in the HCC system. A must-have resource for clinicians who see patients with hypertension.
Billing Physician Services for Hospice Patients | Reference Sheet
Medical practices find the hospice modifiers confusing, and confusion leads to denials and payment delays. Use the decision trees below to help you determine if the service is separately billable once a patient has elected hospice and if so, how to bill it.
Excision of Soft Tissue, Lipoma Removal
This chart is a quick reference for soft tissue excision. It includes anatomic location and size for subcutaneous and subfacial excisions.
How Physician Services are Paid – Infographic
CPT® codes, HCPCS, modifiers, global surgical packages, CMS formulas, diagnosis codes, location, and more…how do all these pieces come together for medical reimbursement? This helpful infographic from CodingIntel shows how physician services are paid with proper medical billing and coding.
Definitive Guide to Documenting Time
Office visits, inpatient care, prolonged services, critical care…properly documenting time can help ensure that you receive the maximum allowable payment for the time you spent with the patient. Use this handy reference guide to make sure your documentation includes all the necessary components.