HCC Coding for Medical Practices
Recorded April 15, 2021
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The rules related to HCC coding in physician practices are found in the ICD-10 book itself and in CMS guidance. Long before selecting the correct code, clinicians and coders need to understand the guidelines. This session will describe the guidelines, based on citations from these definitive sources. Participants will learn how to interpret the “with” guideline in ICD-10 when applying HCC codes, the difference between coding and clinical verification, what parts of the record are “off limits,” and whether they are required to use MEAT (monitor, evaluation, assessment, treatment).
After the session, participants will be able to:
- Name the source citations for HCC coding
- Describe the concepts of HCC coding
- Identify opportunities for improvement in coding
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*This program has the prior approval of AAPC for 1 continuing education credit. Granting of prior approval in no way constitutes endorsement by AAPC of the program content or the program sponsor.
**Webinar access is limited to one connection per registration/membership. Your office staff can listen in via your computer's audio connection. Additional connections subject to additional fees. If purchasing on-demand, and CEUs are offered, they are only available to the purchaser.