CMS releases E/M frequency data annually. A physician self-elects their specialty designation when enrolling with Medicare. Unfortunately, there aren’t specialty designations for breast, bariatrics, or trauma surgery, and those surgeons are usually enrolled using the category for general surgery. There are specialty designations for vascular surgery, plastic surgery, thoracic, and surgical oncology. The data below […]
Billing Admission and Subsequent Visits for Patient Having Surgery
What if I admit a patient and don’t take the patient immediately to surgery? Can I bill for the admission and subsequent visits if the patient goes to surgery later in the week? In this case it depends on when you admit the patient and when you decide to take the patient to surgery. A […]
Critical Care for General Surgery and Trauma Surgeons
Critical care provided as a stand alone service is based on the seriousness of the patient, the types of interventions, and time. Critical care provided by a surgeon to a patient in a global period for procedures with a 10 or 90 day global period, must also follow the rules for critical care, with the […]
Can I Get Paid for…Evaluation Prior to Surgery
The surgeon evaluates a patient, and determines that surgery is needed. Can the surgeon get paid for this initial service? Watch this short video about billing for evaluation prior to surgery. See also modifier 57. Back to list Relevant Search Terms: modifier 57, global surgical package, global surgery