Use of Modifier 25 may be applicable when an E/M service is provided on the same day as a procedure, a preventive medicine service, or other medical service or procedure. Use this quick reference sheet to determine when to use modifier 25, and which code to append it to.
Using Modifier 33 | Quick Reference
Modifier 33 is used to identify certain screening and preventive services. This quick reference sheet addresses: when to use modifier 33, why to use it, screening colorectal cancer test, and planned screening colorectal test that converts to a diagnostic or therapeutic service.
Using Modifier 59 | Quick Reference
Modifier 59 is referred to by CMS as the modifier of last resort. It is often used when modifier 51 is the more accurate modifier. This quick reference sheet explains when, why and how to use it.
Coding Multiple Procedures | Examples with Modifiers
Biopsies and lesion destruction codes are often performed at the same patient visit. This leads to questions about bundling and modifiers. There are two steps to billing these correctly and avoiding denials: Check the total RVU values Check the NCCI edits. There is a step-by-step procedure for coding multiple procedures at the end of this […]
Modifier 51 or 59? How to Know Which to Bill?
Modifier 51 and 59 are both used on second and subsequent surgical procedures, when performed on the day of a primary procedure See also Modifier 59 quick reference sheet There are two modifiers commonly used in surgical specialties when billing two or more procedures at the same encounter. Appending the correct modifier increases the likelihood […]
Billing for Multiple Surgical Procedures
When billing for multiple procedures on the same day, use this step by step procedure to determine if you should bill for more than one procedure, and if so, if you should use modifier 51 or modifier 59. It is critical to have access to National Correct Coding Initiative ((NCCI) edits in your software program. […]
Modifier 57
Decision for Surgery. An evaluation and management service that resulted in the initial decision to perform surgery may be identified by adding modifier 57 to the appropriate level of E/M service. Major surgery includes E/M services provided on the day of or the day before a major surgical procedure. A major surgical procedure is a […]
Surgical Modifiers
This article includes: Surgical modifiers with definitions Guidelines for billing multiple surgical procedures Modifiers in the post-op period Avoiding CPT® modifier mishaps Citations Members can also download the Global Surgery Coding Guide. Some of the information in this article and in the billing guide is the same. Billing for Surgical Services Before submitting a claim […]