Question: Regarding non face-to-face prolonged care, does Medicare require start and stop times, they way they do for prolonged face-to-face care? As long as the provider documents the total time spent reviewing old records is sufficient to bill this service, am I correct? (Codes 99358, 99359) Note, beginning 1/1/2023 these codes have an invalid status indicator […]
Using Time to Select a Level of E/M Service
ARCHIVE The 1995/1997 Documentation Guidelines are gone beginning 1-1-2023. (Ding dong….) However we will still need to use them when auditing notes from before 2023. This article does not apply to services performed after 1-1-2023. Remember, don’t use the information in this article for current services. Use these rules when billing for codes that use […]
Definitive Guide to Documenting Time
Office visits, inpatient care, prolonged services, critical care…properly documenting time can help ensure that you receive the maximum allowable payment for the time you spent with the patient. Use this handy reference guide to make sure your documentation includes all the necessary components.
Non Face-to-Face Prolonged Service – 99358
There are two time-based CPT codes for non-face-to-face prolonged care services. These codes may not be used on the day of an Evaluation and Management (E/M) service, such as an office visit or hospital service. Physicians and other qualified health care professionals who have E/M in their scope of practice may use these codes. CMS […]