RHCs and FQHCs are paid an all-inclusive rate (AIR) or national prospective payment system (PPS) rate for any service that is defined as a visit to their facility. A visit may be with a physician, non-physician practitioner (NPP), psychologist or social worker. There are some differences in RHC and FQHC rules, but in general, a […]
G0101 Pelvic and Breast Exam
Medicare developed two HCPCS codes for screening services for women, without definitive frequency time limits Both G0101 (screening breast and pelvic exam) and Q0091 (obtaining a screening pap smear) may be billed every two years for a low-risk patient and every year for high-risk patients These are not comprehensive preventive medicine services They may be […]
Preventive Medicine Services – Medicare
Medicare has very specific requirements for preventive services. What can you bill, what must you document? This article covers all the bases including tips for billing the Welcome to Medicare and Annual and Subsequent Wellness Visits. More tips for preventive medicine and split visits can be found here. See also Q&A from the Preventive Medicine […]
Age and Wellness Visits | Eligibility for Welcome to Medicare
Who can perform the AWV Knowing which Medicare wellness visit to bill Eligibility requirements for the Welcome to Medicare visit After I gave a presentation at a family medicine conference a physician said to me, “What you just told me will pay for the entire cost of my coming to this conference.” I don’t always […]
Prolonged Services Codes for Medicare Preventive Medicine Services: G0513, G0514
Did you (or your clinician) ever have a wellness visit that took a really, truly, madly long time? And wondered what—if anything—you could bill with it? Wonder no more.