Use of Modifier 25 may be applicable when an E/M service is provided on the same day as a procedure, a preventive medicine service, or other medical service or procedure. Use this quick reference sheet to determine when to use modifier 25, and which code to append it to.
Using Modifier 33 | Quick Reference
Modifier 33 is used to identify certain screening and preventive services. This quick reference sheet addresses: when to use modifier 33, why to use it, screening colorectal cancer test, and planned screening colorectal test that converts to a diagnostic or therapeutic service.
Using Modifier 59 | Quick Reference
Modifier 59 is referred to by CMS as the modifier of last resort. It is often used when modifier 51 is the more accurate modifier. This quick reference sheet explains when, why and how to use it.
Modifier 51 or 59? How to Know Which to Bill?
Modifier 51 and 59 are both used on second and subsequent surgical procedures, when performed on the day of a primary procedure See also Modifier 59 quick reference sheet There are two modifiers commonly used in surgical specialties when billing two or more procedures at the same encounter. Appending the correct modifier increases the likelihood […]
Modifier 95, 93: Telemedicine
CPT® has two modifiers for telemedicine. CMS and private payers regularly change their instructions about using these modifiers and what place of service to use. In 2024, CMS is no longer requiring modifier 95 on claims, but is requiring using POS 02 or POS 10. Modifier 95 is for use with real-time, audio/visual visits. Modifier […]
Modifier 24
Understanding E/M modifiers is important for both revenue and compliance. Failing to apply the correct modifier reduces revenue. Applying the wrong modifier or using it when it is not accurate is a compliance issue and puts the practice at risk for payback and disclosures. For additional information, see the article on Global Surgical Package. Modifier […]