Question: Our pediatric group practices in a community hospital, without an NICU. My pediatrician was called to attend a delivery of a newborn who was born premature and in respiratory distress. The baby needed to be stabilized and transferred to a level III neonatal intensive-care unit. The pediatrician spent 90 minutes from the time the […]
Everyday Coding Q&A
When meeting with coders and clinicians, the same issues and concerns arise year after year. We've translated those into a searchable Everyday Coding Q&A.
Diagnosis Coding for Antepartum Care
Question: Patient seen for antepartum care but delivered at 38 weeks at a different hospital/physician group. What diagnosis codes should we use for the visits before the birth episode. Answer: The diagnosis coding for antepartum care would be specific to the patient’s condition at the time care was provided. If at the time of the […]
Codes for Visits in Assisted Living
Question: In 2023, how will we code for visits in assisted living? Answer: January 1st 2023, the codes for boarding home, rest home and domiciliary care are gone from the CPT® book. What are the codes for visits in assisted living in 2023 and beyond? Home and residence services (99341—99345 for new patients) and (99347—99350 […]
Acute, Uncomplicated vs. Acute with Systemic Symptoms
Question: When using the E/M guidelines, is the problem an an acute, uncomplicated illness or an acute illness with systemic symptoms? Answer: Let’s start with the CPT definitions, from the CPT® Professional edition. Acute, uncomplicated illness Acute illness with systemic symptoms From CPT®: A recent or new short-term problem with low risk of morbidity for […]
What is the Risk of a Referral?
Question: What level of risk is assigned when a practitioner refers a patient to a physician in another specialty? Does the complexity of the problem (eg, melanoma) make a difference? Answer: Watch this brief video for the answer. You can also download the slides here.
Age and Wellness Visits | Eligibility for Welcome to Medicare
Who can perform the AWV Knowing which Medicare wellness visit to bill Eligibility requirements for the Welcome to Medicare visit After I gave a presentation at a family medicine conference a physician said to me, “What you just told me will pay for the entire cost of my coming to this conference.” I don’t always […]
Medicare Advantage Plan Network Issues
Question: My sister is thinking of enrolling in a Medicare Advantage plan. In our practice, we have issues with pre-authorizations and denials. I’ve warned her about network issues. Is there anything else I should tell her? Answer: I’m so glad you asked. I’ve had this conversation with my own family and friends. Medigap plans If […]
How Do We Code for “Meet and Greet Visits?
Question: What code can I use when a patient presents to establish care, and doesn’t have any symptoms or problems? Answer: First, code or no code, isn’t this a great position for the patient to be in? Establishing care without a care in the world? (Medically at least.) There isn’t a CPT code for “meet […]
Is ChatGPT Coming to Coding?
Question: What’s all this I hear about ChatGPT? Is it coming to coding? Answer: All right, I wrote that question myself. I’ve been thinking about this topic. Alicia Gallegos wrote an article for CodingIntel about the topic. But, I wanted to see for myself how it could interpret coding rules, so I asked ChatGPT questions […]
What are Social Determinants of Health?
Question: Can you settle this question for our coding team? Are smoking and drinking considered Social Determinants of Health? Answer: No. According to the CDC: “Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the non-medical factors that influence health outcomes. They are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set […]
Compliance Issues in ICD-10 Coding for Risk Based Contracts and HCCs
Everyone loves to read the general guidelines at the front of the ICD-10 book, right? No? Well, here’s an important excerpt. “Code all documented conditions, which coexist at the time of the visit that require or affect patient care or treatment. (Do not code conditions, which no longer exist).” Most of the articles I’ve written […]
Clinical Staff Time
Question: I believe that I know the answer to this question but am hoping you know the source, as I can’t find it—if a nurse helps with ROS, medication reconciliation, etc., would their time (if documented) be able to be included in the time for the visit? Answer: No. The answer to this question is […]
Does a Practitioner Need to Document Time for a Telehealth Visit?
Question: Does a practitioner need to document time for a telehealth visit? What if it is audio only? Answer: First: For a telehealth visit, always document if it is with video or audio only. Documenting “telehealth visit” or “telemedicine visit” doesn’t differentiate this. Second: If you are using office visit codes (99202—99215), you can select […]
Should We Begin Using the New CPT Modifier -93
Question: Should we begin using the new CPT® modifier -93? Answer: I recommend a wait and see approach. Here’s the definition from the AMA, released in December, 2021 with an effective date of 1-1-2022. It will be included in the 2023 book. Modifier -93 Synchronous Telemedicine Service Rendered Via Telephone or Other Real-Time Interactive Audio-Only […]
Can We Bill a New Patient Visit for Preventive and E/M Services on the Same Day?
See our on-demand webinar, Preventive medicine and Medicare wellness visits with an E/M. Question: Our physician saw a patient and did a preventive medicine service and addressed an acute, significant problem. The patient was new to us. Should we bill both as new patient visits? Answer: The last time I saw this addressed by CPT® […]
Why and When to Use Modifier CS
Question: Why and when should we use modifier CS? Answer: Use modifier CS on visits related to testing for COVID-19. Modifier CS: cost sharing waiver for COVID-19 testing When you do, Medicare and private insurers will pay 100% of the claim, without any patient due cost sharing. The two laws that were passed require Medicare […]
Non-Physician Practitioners in Nursing Facilities
Members can read more about nursing facility services here, and in Everyday Coding. Question: Can a physician assistant see patients in a nursing facility without a physician signing each encounter? How do we bill this? Can we do wellness visits in a nursing facility? Answer: A physician assistant or an advanced practice registered nurse may see […]
Counting Conditions in the HPI and Assessment
ARCHIVE The 1995/1997 Documentation Guidelines are gone beginning 1-1-2023. (Ding dong….) However, we will still need to use them when auditing notes from before 2023. This article does not apply to services performed after 1-1-2023. Question: When counting the chronic conditions for the history of the present illness (HPI) can the status of the condition […]
Drug Therapy Requiring Intensive Monitoring for Toxicity
Question: When auditing MDM, is there a list of drugs that are considered “drug therapy requiring intensive monitoring for toxicity?” Answer: Not from the AMA. Here’s the definition: “Drug therapy requiring intensive monitoring for toxicity: A drug that requires intensive monitoring is a therapeutic agent that has the potential to cause serious morbidity or death. […]
What is an Interval History?
ARCHIVE The 1995/1997 Documentation Guidelines are gone beginning 1-1-2023. (Ding dong….) However, we will still need to use them when auditing notes from before 2023. This article does not apply to services performed after 1-1-2023. Question: What does it mean when it says a code requires an “interval” history? This question related to the 1995/1997 […]
Initial Hospital Service Codes and Established Patients
Question: We are having a disagreement in our coding department. Our cardiologist sees an inpatient at the hospital, but it’s a patient she knows from the office. Should she bill an initial hospital service code or a subsequent hospital service code when she sees this patient, who she knows and has seen many times? Answer: […]