For dermatologists, revenue in the office is generated by procedures and office visits. Often, both are provided on the same day. See the dermatology section of our specialty page for articles about the use of modifiers 25, 51, and 59. Frequency distribution for new and established patients 2023 E/M data released at the end of […]
E/M Frequency Data for Hospitalists
Hospitalists became a recognized specialty by CMS starting in 2017, and we now have frequency E/M data for the specialty. There are probably still physicians who have not switched their specialty designation. Physicians self-elect their specialty designation with Medicare and other payers. Many hospitalists are family medicine or internal medicine physicians by training, working as […]
E/M Frequency Data for Surgical Specialties
CMS releases E/M frequency data annually. A physician self-elects their specialty designation when enrolling with Medicare. Unfortunately, there aren’t specialty designations for breast, bariatrics, or trauma surgery, and those surgeons are usually enrolled using the category for general surgery. There are specialty designations for vascular surgery, plastic surgery, thoracic, and surgical oncology. The data below […]
E/M Frequency Data for Family Medicine and Internal Medicine
CMS releases E/M frequency data annually. A physician self-elects their specialty designation when enrolling with Medicare. The panel for family medicine physicians includes children, but the data below is Medicare data, for disabled patients of any age and people 65 and older. I opted to show internal medicine and family medicine together, because both are […]
E/M Frequency Data for Psychiatrists
CMS releases E/M frequency data annually. A physician self-elects their specialty designation when enrolling with Medicare. This is the data for psychiatrists. The data below is from 2023 released in late 2024. Office services Psychiatry New OV 2023 99201* 0% 99202 0.59% 99203 6.82% 99204 40.09% 99205 52.50% Established office visits 2023 99211 0.83% 99212 […]
E/M Frequency Data for Infectious Disease, Pulmonary Medicine and Cardiology
CMS releases E/M frequency data annually. A physician self-elects their specialty designation when enrolling with Medicare. Infectious disease, pulmonary medicine and cardiology are all specialties with active inpatient services, and of course, busy office services. That’s why I’ve elected to show them together. The data below is from 2023, released in late 2024. Office services […]