More discussion of codes that use placeholder xxxA (or xxx with another 7th character). When a patient presents for an injury after a fall, … [Read more...]
ICD-10-CM Chapter Specific Guidelines – Chapters 17–20
The ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting sets the precedent of rules that all diagnostic coders must abide by. Section I.C. covers … [Read more...]
ICD-10-CM Chapter Specific Guidelines – Chapters 14–16
The ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting sets the precedent of rules that all diagnostic coders must abide by. Section I.C. covers … [Read more...]
ICD-10-CM Chapter Specific Guidelines – Chapters 11–13
The ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting sets the precedent of rules that all diagnostic coders must abide by. Section I.C. covers … [Read more...]
DRG Red Flags: A Payor Perspective | Webinar
Overview Instructions Webinar … [Read more...]
ICD-10-CM Chapter Specific Guidelines – Chapters 7–10
Section I.C of the ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting, titled “Chapter Specific Guidelines,” contains 22 chapters. These chapters … [Read more...]
ICD-10-CM Chapter Specific Guidelines – Chapters 4–6
Section I.C of the ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting, titled “Chapter Specific Guidelines,” contains 22 chapters. These chapters … [Read more...]
ICD-10-CM Chapter Specific Guidelines – Chapters 1–3
Section I.C of the ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting, titled “Chapter Specific Guidelines,” contains 22 chapters. These chapters … [Read more...]
ICD-10-CM Conventions, Structure, and Format: Section I.B
The first step to finding the most accurate code is to confirm that you are working with the correct version of the ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for … [Read more...]
ICD-10-CM: 2025 Updates | Webinar
Overview Instructions Webinar … [Read more...]
“xxxA” – ICD-10-CM Placeholder Code X and 7th Character Extension
Recently, while reviewing terms people use to find CodingIntel I was surprised to find that people were searching for “xxxA.” At first, I was afraid … [Read more...]
ICD-10-CM Conventions, Structure, and Format: Section I.A
As you read this article, it will be helpful if you have the ICD-10-CM book in front of you. You can download a pdf copy here. And even if you … [Read more...]
IRE Inpatient Determinations: Case Studies | Webinar
Overview Instructions Webinar … [Read more...]
Diagnosis Coding for Antepartum Care
Question: Patient seen for antepartum care but delivered at 38 weeks at a different hospital/physician group. What diagnosis codes should we … [Read more...]
Diagnosis Coding for Biopsy Sent for Pathology
Question: What diagnosis code should you use when sending a skin biopsy to pathology? a) D48.5 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of skin, … [Read more...]
Diagnosis Coding for Screening Colonoscopy
Some of you have read CodingIntel's article on coding for screening colonoscopy. The questions we get about that article are almost all related to … [Read more...]
ICD-10 Coding for Suspected Cancer
Diagnosis coding for possible malignancy How would you feel if your primary care physician and your general surgeon told you-and told your insurance … [Read more...]
Can you Screen for an Existing Condition? | Diagnosis Coding for Lab Services
Sometimes, the hardest thing about coding for preventive services isn't the visit at all. It's the labs. Patients come in for an annual physical and … [Read more...]
Diagnosis Coding for Tick Bites
Question: Why is it so hard to have correct diagnosis coding for tick bites? And, how is it coded? Answer: The search function in electronic health … [Read more...]
Aftercare and Follow-Up: ICD-10 Coding
Aftercare visit codes are assigned in situations in which the initial treatment of a disease has been performed but the patient requires continued … [Read more...]