CMS developed new HCPCS codes for primary care practitioners who provide care management services and communications-technology based services on a monthly basis. These are an alternative to other care management codes, and acknowledge that much of the work caring for patients occurs outside of regular office visits. These Advanced Primary Care Management (APCM) codes are […]
Everyday Coding for Medical Practices
Everyday Coding is Betsy’s signature course. We’ve gathered all the components here in one convenient spot. You can work through them one at a time, select just the ones you need, or customize training for your physicians and staff.
Screening Codes Guide – G0442, G0443, G0444, G0446, G0447
Medicare pays for some screening services for its beneficiaries, using HCPCS codes. These screening codes are time-based HCPCS codes with relatively low wRVU values and payment. This coding guide includes an explanation of the guidelines for each of these codes, and information about bundling, diagnosis coding, specialty and site of service restrictions, and much more.
Coding Guide – Preventive Medicine Services
This is the resource guide from CodingIntel’s one hour course on preventive medicine. Coding for preventive medicine services should be easy, but it’s not. It’s complicated by frequency issues, Medicare rules and the always difficult issue of when to bill a problem oriented E/M service on the same day.
Coding Guide – Minor Surgical Procedures
This guide includes definitions of minor procedures used frequently in primary care and urgent care. And, even more important, instructions for billing the services. No minor procedure guide would be complete without a discussion of modifier 25. It is also the reference for CodingIntel’s minor procedures webinar which you can watch here.
Coding Guide – Risk Adjusted Diagnosis Coding for Medical Practices
Payment systems and reimbursements are ever-changing in healthcare and the rules of yesterday may or may not work tomorrow. This 24 page guide from CodingIntel is an introduction to risk adjustment coding and the risk adjustment factor (RAF).
Coding Guide – Care Management Services
CMS has a stated goal of recognizing management services provided outside of an office visit. In particular, valuing and paying for care management and other non-face-to-face services. Sometimes, this means recognizing existing CPT® codes, and changing the status indicator from bundled to active, so that it is a covered service. Sometimes, it means working with CPT®’s chronic care management committee to develop new codes that describe management services.