Medical practices are assessing the impact of the change in the HCC model from V24 to V28, a phased in change that begins in 2024. CMS pays Medicare Advantage (MA) plans using Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCCs), and many private payers and ACOs use the HCC model for risk adjustment. Briefly, Medicare pays MA plans more […]
What are Social Determinants of Health?
Question: Can you settle this question for our coding team? Are smoking and drinking considered Social Determinants of Health? Answer: No. According to the CDC: “Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the non-medical factors that influence health outcomes. They are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set […]
HCC Transition from V24 to V28 | Webinar
Recorded July 20, 2023
CMS is transitioning risk coding from the 2020 V24 model to V28 beginning in 2024. This webinar will provide an overview of HCC coding, its purpose and methodology. We’ll describe the changes and enumerate some of the key differences in coefficients for commonly used conditions between V24 and V28. And finally, learning from OIG audits of Medicare Advantage Organizations and HCC coding, identify diagnosis codes that are frequently incorrectly reported.
Compliance Issues in ICD-10 Coding for Risk Based Contracts and HCCs
Everyone loves to read the general guidelines at the front of the ICD-10 book, right? No? Well, here’s an important excerpt. “Code all documented conditions, which coexist at the time of the visit that require or affect patient care or treatment. (Do not code conditions, which no longer exist).” Most of the articles I’ve written […]
HCC Diagnosis Coding Example: Diabetes, Hypertension, Chronic Kidney Disease
If a picture is worth 1000 words, what’s an example worth? An example can show in a glance what it takes paragraphs to write and explain. The one I’ve included in this article shows risk scores for a few common chronic conditions, coded two ways. One follows ICD-10 rules and results in a six-fold increase […]
HCC Coding for Medical Practices | Webinar
Recorded April 15, 2021
The rules related to HCC coding in physician practices are found in the ICD-10 book itself and in CMS guidance. Long before selecting the correct code, clinicians and coders need to understand the guidelines. This session will describe the guidelines, based on citations from these definitive sources.
Coding for Diabetes in the HCC System | Reference Sheet
This quick reference sheet simplifies coding for diabetes in the HCC system. A must-have resource for clinicians who see patients with diabetes.
Coding for Hypertension in the HCC System | Reference Sheet
This quick reference sheet simplifies coding for hypertension in the HCC system. A must-have resource for clinicians who see patients with hypertension.
Five Urban Legends About Risk-Adjusted Diagnosis Coding
Originally published on When I talk to medical practices about Hierarchical Condition Category (HCCs) and risk-adjusted diagnosis coding, I receive a lot of questions that point to the existence of persistent urban legends. Let’s separate fact from fiction. Don’t miss our Billing Guide on Risk-adjusted Diagnosis Coding for an in-depth look at this topic. Urban […]
HCC’s in Brief | The Difference Between CMS-HCC and HHS-HCC
Demographics and diagnoses Risk adjusted diagnosis coding is a model used to predict future health care costs based on demographics and diagnoses. It is most commonly used by Medicare to set rates for patients who are in Medicare Advantage plans. A Medicare Advantage plan is paid different amounts for the Medicare patients they cover. The […]
Diabetes Coding in Hierarchical Condition Coding (HCC)
Diabetes is a common chronic condition, included in three distinct HCC categories Patients often have more than one chronic condition of the disease; page down for a Q&A related to how multiple conditions do–and don’t–affect the risk score CodingIntel members can download our guide to Risk adjusted diagnosis coding for medical practices for more explanation and […]
Depression Coding and Hierarchical Condition Coding (HCC)
Introduction | Depression coding in HCC In fee-for-service medicine: Diagnosis coding establishes the medical necessity for a service. At times, it may be the reason for a denial, particularly for diagnostic tests or procedures. Services with national or local coverage policies often have specific diagnosis codes that are required for payment. In risk based contracts […]
HCC Coding: Round Up of Chronic Conditions
I saw on twitter recently that COPD was the third leading cause of death in the U.S. If it was on twitter, it must be true, right? This article will describe risk coding for a few common, chronic illnesses. There are articles about depression, diabetes, compliance and other topics also on the site. This article […]
Risk Coding for Medical Practices and Outpatient Services
Introduction to Risk Coding for Medical Practices and Outpatient Services Recorded May, 2022 You can find CodingIntel’s 2023 webinar at this link: Where do we find the rules for assigning diagnosis codes in medical practices? The diagnosis codes don’t just get the claim paid, they also determine the patient’s risk score and the risk […]
Coding Guide – Risk Adjusted Diagnosis Coding for Medical Practices
Payment systems and reimbursements are ever-changing in healthcare and the rules of yesterday may or may not work tomorrow. This 24 page guide from CodingIntel is an introduction to risk adjustment coding and the risk adjustment factor (RAF).
HCC Diagnosis Coding: Can you Add a Code from the Past Medical History?
This post describes rules for office/outpatient coding, not facility/DRG rules. Recently a fellow coder wrote to me about risk adjusted diagnosis coding. She was responding to an article that I wrote in which I stated the conditions listed in the past medical history should not be included on the claim form by the coder. I […]
What’s the Difference Between B20 and Z21? Which is Right for Positive HIV Status?
In this post ICD-10-CM diagnosis coding for positive HIV status Update to HIV coding in 2022 Medical practice reimbursement for individual claims based on CPT® Risk adjusted factor for coding medical claims HCC Model Common HIV diagnosis codes ICD-10 general guidelines Question: For an HIV positive patient without symptoms, is the correct diagnosis code Z21 […]