Both CPT and CMS have developed codes for non-face-to-face communication-based technology services in recent years. In addition to care management services, these include interprofessional consults, remote physiologic and therapeutic monitoring, and on-line digital E/M services In the 2020 Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule, CMS clarified the type of patient consent that is required to perform […]
Remote Therapeutic Monitoring
There are six remote therapeutic monitoring codes in the general medicine section of CPT® which may be performed by physicians, PAs and NPs and other practitioners such as psychologists, LCSWs, physical therapists and occupational therapists These codes are for non-physiologic measures and the results can be uploaded digitally or reported by the patient A physician, […]
Remote Physiologic Monitoring Treatment Management Services
This is an overview of coding for Digitally Stored Data Services/Remote Physiologic Monitoring in the E/M section of the CPT book. There are more detailed articles for the individual codes on CodingIntel. Put the code in the search box to find them. Medical practices can use these devices to monitor a patient’s health metrics, assess […]
Blood Pressure Self-Measurement: Education, Training and Analysis | CPT Codes 99473, 99474
There are two CPT codes specifically for blood pressure self-measurement and management. The first is for patient education and calibration of a home blood pressure device The second is for reviewing data collected by the patient at home, with a report and communication back to the patient 99473 Self-measured blood pressure using a device validated […]
Remote Monitoring 99453, 99454 | Reference Sheet
CPT codes 99453 99454 are used to report remote monitoring device set up, supply and recording. This resource answers the questions: who does the work, what is being monitored, how is it done, and what does the practice do.
Remote Monitoring Management 99091, 99457 | Reference Sheet
This quick reference sheet includes descriptions and examples for CPT ® codes 99091 and 99457-99458 for reporting Remote physiologic monitoring treatment management services.
Blood Pressure Self-Measurement 99473, 99474 | Reference Sheet
CPT ® codes 99473 and 99474 are used to report specific clinical staff and/or Physician, NP or PA work related to blood pressure self-measurement by patients. This quick reference sheet defines the work, the time required, and lists the criteria for reporting these services.
On-line Digital Services and Remote Monitoring | Webinar
Recorded February 27, 2020
New CPT ® codes for non-face-to-face services include both on-line digital evaluations and remote physiological monitoring. Hold your celebration—the digital E/M codes are not office visits through your portal and have very specific documentation requirements. The webinar will start with a brief overview of Medicare covered telehealth, and then describe these two new sets of codes, with the documentation rules and clinical examples.